Read the story behind the series. Watch the video.
(click the "i" in the upper left for more information about a piece)
About The Patterns of Dress Series:
Jennifer Nelson bought the home owned by her Grandmother (and built by her Great-Grandfather). Among the items left in the house were a variety of dress patterns. Jennifer's grandmother was a prolific seamstress and very much into fashion.
Jennifer's artistic eye recognized these patterns as a medium for her art and their potential to become timeless like the fashions they represent by taking on a new life within her art. Jernnifer loves the quality of the patterns themselves with the transparent tissue and all the text that instructs the construction of the garment.
While she doesn't believe that "clothes make the man or woman", she is certain that we make real statements about ourselves in what we wear. With this series, Jennifer hopes to both capture a time gone by and also show how some designs just keep re-inventing themselves, becoming current.